Federal law protects consumers from unauthorized credit card charges and electronic bank transfers. Federal law gives you the right to dispute the charge or transfer, and requires the credit card company or bank to investigate the dispute to determine whether you authorized the charge. Any unauthorized charge or transfer must be credited to your account. This applies to any charge on a credit card or bank statement that you do not recognize, including any misuse of a debit card. A dispute of a charge or transfer must take place within 60 days of when it appears on the statement.
If the credit card company or bank refuses to credit the unauthorized charge or transfer after proper notice, you have the right to bring suit to recover damages and force the violating party to pay your attorney.
If you’re fighting your credit card company or bank over an authorized transaction in Alabama, call us. For decades we’ve helped Alabama consumers resolve these issues and be compensated for their losses. Our initial consultation is free. We’ll advise you of your options and the best approach for solving the problem. If a lawsuit is needed, we’ll represent you for little or no upfront fee. Our fee is paid only if you win and it’s paid from what you recover from the company that violated your rights.